2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Thursday, March 02, 2006

What have I been up to?

Training as usual, had a ripper of a back session yesterday, went up in all exercises. Also went for a walk (at heart rate) in the morning. We then had a meeting with our builders regarding our new tiles for the ensuite, and also for the balustrading for our staircase. They can't get the ones we wanted so need to choose an alternative. They told us they have had 3 people walk in off the street asking if our house is for sale! It has the roof almost tiled now, will take another pic tonight and post it. It's looking awesome!

Phat Camp flights are booked, and accommodation is being finalised! I'm not allowed to participate, instructions from Richie, as it is too close to my comp and he wants me following a specific plan. Phat Camp is pretty full on, 5 cardio and 5 training sessions in 2.5 days, and he doesn't want me doing that. So, I will just go and hang around, catch up with Jen and Heather, have a chat with my clients and friends, and teach Kimmy some posing. Maybe I can do a couple of cardio sessions though. I will probably train myself while there also. It's at Doherty's gym this time, which will be great. Looks like we will have a 3br apartment, 5 girls and 1 guy (my hubby!). Kimmy and Marg, and Allison and maybe Jaime-lee - haven't finalised that yet. I will be dieting, as will Kimmy, so not sure if I will go on the Saturday night for the dinner, see what happens.

Oh, don't bother going to see Jarhead - what a terrible movie! We were waiting for something to happen - and it never did. We walked out before it finished!

Think we will go out for dinner tonight. Big weekend of programming this weekend, so must get stuck in and do some today. Hope to catch up with Jodie today sometime, I haven't seen her for about 3 weeks! I miss training together! Will be sad when she goes to the US for 6 weeks :( Good for her, bad for me :)

Todays pics are a blast from the past, sort of, these were taken after my firs BFL Challenge in 2001.


  • Thanks Shelly!! You are so kind! I am thrilled you would like to use some photos and link, I would really appreciate that. Let me know when you need something. I look forward to meeting you in July!

    By Blogger Sue Heintze, at 9:17 pm  

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