2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Day 3

Weight: 123.6lb

Interesting. Up again. It must be the cottage cheese - I had 2 tubs of it yesterday, and as you know it's full of sodium, and me being the salt freak I am, I add more course sea salt to it (and everything else). Another interesting thing, is that I woke up today with really puffy eyes. I also woke yesterday or day before with the same thing (can't remember which day it was!). This could be a thyroid thing, or maybe it's a reaction to cottage cheese, or, just the puffy bloat. Anyway, I will keep monitoring that. Today I won't have any cottage cheese and see how I wake up tomorrow.

One day next week I won't add salt to anything, but have some cottage cheese and see what the result is.

I have also been taking my body temperature every morning I wake up. It's consistently under 36.5 degrees. Another indication of low thyroid.

Training - no spot
Seated Row 75lb/7, 87.5/5 x 4
DB 1 Arm Row 45lb/9 x 3
DB Reverse Fly 10lb/9 x 3
Squat (includes bar weight) 30kg/9, 47.5kg/7 x 4
Leg Press 1 1/2's 120kg/9 x 3
Seated DB Curl 10kg/5, 12.5kg/5, 12.5kg/4 + 10kg/1, 12.5k/2 + 10kg/3 x 2
Wrist Curls to finish - 2 sets
Abs 3 sets of crunches on swiss ball

Food intake:
Pre training
coffee, 1tsp cream
1. 100g raspberries, 50g chicken
2. 100g chicken, 100g sweet potato
3. 1 egg, 2 whites, spinach
4. 150g tuna, lettuce, cucumber, decaf, 1tsp cream
5. 150g chicken, 2tsp flax oil, broccoli, brussels sprouts, pumpkin. 100g strawberries.
decaf, 1 tsp cream

Felt quite tired today. Did a great workout though, weights keep increasing, even when I think no way I can increase that next time. Had to have a sleep at 2pm, until 4pm - I didn't have a great sleep last night - woke up quite a few times throughout the night.

Going to get up and go for a run tomorrow, then a walk in the afternoon. Cardio day. It's also day 4 which means a day off the diet. Will keep it pretty clean, but we are going out for dinner somewhere.

I can really notice I have gained some upper body muscle, particularly shoulders and arms. When I drop some body fat it will be interesting to see the differences.


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