2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Legs are toast

Another of my comp pics, INBA Oz Titles, 2nd Intermediate, 2004

I was very happy with my session today - I felt a lot better than I have the last few days, and decided to push it in the gym this morning. Our aim today was to do legs in an hour - it usually takes us an hour 20. So, I wasn't expecting to be able to increase the weights as less rest time would increase the intensity somewhat. I did though manage to increase on smith lunges, squats and leg press. By the time we get to leg press, that is where I start thinking I may need a bucket. Instead I chose to lie down under the a/c while Jodie did her sets. It's going to be 40 again today, no rest for the wicked. We were literally SOAKED in sweat the entire way through. One of these days I will take a pic of us after or during leg day - it's not pretty. I have now had my shake and starting to recover. Another leg day down...

I will be training legs in 3 weeks with Kim, that will be cool.

My neck is out. Another reason I was pleased with my workout. It hurts to turn it to the left, and to put my head down. Looks like another chiro visit asap. This may also have something to do with not feeling 100%. I have been feeling very lightheaded - I have always has low/normal blood pressure, but not quite as low as it was when taken on Friday. Nearly every time I put my head down or sit down and get up again, I get dizzy.

Today wil be spent working...catching up on what I haven't been able to do while I wasn't feeling well.

What you make it

You can speculate and guess and theorize and envision, and all those things have their place. Yet you will not know for sure what you can and cannot do until you step forward and make the effort.

There are many things that might go wrong, and many obstacles you likely did not anticipate. Yet you must not allow the possibility of those problems to stop you before you even get started.

When something comes up that you didn't plan for, you can learn from it and make adjustments. When a difficult challenge arises, that challenge brings with it the opportunity for even greater value when you choose to persevere.

Everything that is easy and guaranteed to succeed has already been done. Real accomplishment comes from doing the things that no one else thinks you can do.

Lift your eyes up and see the objective at the end of the path. Then lift your feet up, one after the other, and take the first few steps along that path.

Accomplishment is not what is reasonable or practical or certain or without controversy. Accomplishment is precisely what you decide to make it.

-- Ralph Marston


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