2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day 6!

Placegetters INBA 2004, Intermediate Figure - me on left, 2nd place.

Another great day, energy was good, and had to be with legs again! I visited my chiro who worked on my hammies, and they were so sore - his comment as he left the room was "You really are working those hammies Sue!". So today I took Richie's advice and substituted another exercise that wouldn't cause as much soreness. It's the eccentric movement on the stiff leg deadlifts that cause it to be so bad.

So, it was a huge leg session, I increased my weight on the sets of 20 leg press, and man, did that kill me! I also calf pressed the whole stack today :) 495lb, for 10 reps. Noice. You know, I have really been noticing in the ladies gym of late, that NOBODY is working hard. I don't hear any huffing and puffing and panting and groaning and pushing with all their might. I don't see a lot of sweat happening. I look so out of place, bent over in (good) exhaustion and fatigue after my sets, gulping air to catch my breath, puffing and panting and groaning to push out those last few reps. I WISH ladies would push a lot harder than they do. If they did, they would get SO MUCH more benefit. I try to get this across to my lovely lady clients :)

I also saw the most terrible form in the gym today - AND the worst thing was, it was being demontrated by an INSTRUCTOR! I couldn't help but stare in disbelief! She was demonstrating a barbell upright row - which looked a lot more like a reverse curl for forearms. I need to wear blinkers, as it really makes me angry! My form isn't perfect, but this was atrocious!

I'm sitting here watching Survivor. It's a show I used to love watching but haven't now for a few seasons - so, since this is a brand new one, I made a note in my diary to watch it! Hopefully I will get into it and watch it every week.

I started Last Witness today, while on the tready :) I wasn't sure the tready would allow me to sit a novel on the stand and be able to walk and read it at the same time - but, it worked fine.

I must go and do some more work, this week is flat stick!


  • I noticed one of those trainers had a bit of jelly belly going on while I was there with you. I agree about the sweat. I can do it at home with my weight sets.
    Remember I asked you about sweating when I was there? It was because some of the people in there had "good" hair and I had wet rats tails. I think to some the gym is a place to show off rather than work hard.

    By Blogger Kerry, at 9:29 pm  

  • Well done Sue, you are obviously training so hard, congradulations. Yes I too know about being the only one who looks like they are training at the gym. I got on the tready the other night after doing a smashing leg workout and OMG I couldn't believe the smell, felt so bad, but not as if it was so bad that everyone else in the gym could notice. Then I see chicks that have been going for months and they are still on the same program and still only lifty 10lbs on each machine, piss pore effort I must add but they don't seem to think what is wrong with that. Really people, do they think they are going to shift the weight by continually doing that. Me I am just sweating it up big time, my clothes are always saturated, at the state of embarrasment somethimes but hey I think gee's I have had an excellent workout and feel really good about myself.

    Keep up the moaning and groaning and sweating Sue, I think we are a rare breed at the gym!!

    By Blogger Tracey, at 2:59 pm  

  • Kerri - Yes, had to laugh as I can totally relate. I NEVER have "good" hair at the gym :) Even if I wash and style it, it ends up a frizzy wet mess by the end of my session :(

    Tracey - Good to hear you training intensely and sweating it out a bit! I don't necessarily think it's about lack of effort, I think it's a problem more due to lack of knowledge - and the trainers should be teaching them how to train for results, and the reasons WHY we need to challenge our body, not just 'go through the motions'. Our bodies are smart pieces of machinery!!

    By Blogger Sue Heintze, at 6:40 pm  

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