2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Today I had to battle!

To win the cardio war that is. My regular gym was closed and so I had planned to do a double session, weights followed by cardio, at another gym. I was feeling great all morning, and feeling full of energy after my carb day yesterday. Had an awesome back and shoulder session - my shoulders were so pumped when I was done. I swear they looked bigger today - maybe it's due to the little bit of fat that has come off my arms - or maybe they are bigger! Which reminds me I have to tell something interesting that I found later. Anyway, I finished my session and then 'mentally prepared' for my cardio session as well as putting on my heart rate monitor. Got on the tready, my calves were hurting, and I was really struggling with the thought of being on there for 50 mins. So, 2 mins in I decided I had enough :) It was a beautiful day out cvfyhug (sorry that word was courtesy of my Rexy walking across my keyboard to lay on my diary!) so I thought I would leave it until later. I had a little nanna nap this arvo and when I woke up the thought of having to do cardio was not nice. I battled with it all afternoon! Anyway, I did eventually get out there. I walked, and found it hard to keep my heart rate up to 140ish. I must be getting fitter. So, I had to jog/run for 10-20 second stints every so often to keep it up there.

Tomorrow is leg day, so will train in the morning while I have the most energy. Then I will go back for cardio later in the day.

Time for a shower, then I think we are going to get a dvd and curl up under the doona!


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