2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Day 8 Thursday off day!

Weight: 122lb
Body Temp: 36.4

Food intake:
Coffee, milk and stevia
1. 1/2 cup oats, 1/4 scoop Ultra Size protein, 2 tsp honey
2. Roast lamb, approx 200g. Scoop of avocado, 100g sweet potato and handful of grated cheese.
3. 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup cottage cheese, 2tsp US protein, 1tsp honey
4. Post training: protein frappe - half serve Myoplex Lite, 2tsp Max's HP+, 1/3 cup milk
5: Out for dinner: 2 glasses dry wine, 1.5 slices pizza. Decaf cappuccino and an after dinner mint.
6. 1/3 cup oats, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 2tsp Ultra Size protein.

Oh yeah, it's feels good to eat some carbs man!!! I was getting that brain fog and feeling very tired last night. I went to bed at 10pm and woke at 8.30am. Woke up once to go to the bathroom and the rest was awesome sleep. 10 hours.

Today is squat day so will be nice to train with some carbs in the system.

BB Squat 30kg/8, 50kg/6, 50kg/6, 50kg/6, 50kg/4
Knee Extension 50lb/6 x 4
Seated Row (V Grip) 70/8, 90/6 x 4
Straight Arm Pulldown 50/10, 60/10, 70/10 x 2
BB Curl 30/8, 50/6 x 4 (last 2 sets needed a lot of spotting help!)
Calf Press 75kg/15 x 3
*Last 2 exercises supersetted

Got to 50kg on squats, yeah! Only sets of 6 but I'm improving. Couldn't make the last set. Squat rack caught me on the final set.
Need to start knee extensions with a higher rep set as going straight to 50lb hurt my knees. Was only the last set that felt comfortable.
Back to using a v grip instead of a medium close grip handle for seated rows, and they felt EASY! So, managed 4 sets at 90lb straight up. It was much easier to squeeze the shoulder blades together.
Decided at last minute to chang to a straight arm pulldown instead of the supported row, for something different this program. Certainly felt the final two sets at 70lb.
BB Curls, well I struggled on the last 2 sets.

Had to have another little nap before I trained.