2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My butt has been strapped

Let me explain. My injury now seems to have spread to my hip and butt - piriformis muscle in particular. Was so tight today, and fortunately, I had a chiro appointment scheduled. He really worked it - going to be very sore and bruised tomorrow I think. He put some ultrasound on it too, then taped me up with some sort of tape that helps reduce inflammation. It's amazing how relaxed I feel after a treatment at the chiro. I had a real overhaul today.

Did two short (35 mins, and 25 mins) jog/sprint sessions today. Tomorrow will do either a long walk or a HIT cardio, then have legs in the arvo.

Ok, am really tired so have to get to bed!


  • Sue, you poor thing. Hope it gets better soon and you can unstrap ya butt :-o


    By Blogger Sam D-M, at 11:00 am  

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