2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Phew, needed that!!

What a huge sleep! 11 hours. I woke up a few times in the night, but went straight back to sleep. My body really needed it so my rest day has come exactly at the right time.

Just finished my caffiene hit, and attending to a few emails, and will have some breaky, and then will start on my piles of clothes! We don't have enough wardrobe space, so I have to pack some up into boxes to make some room. We also need to wash the windows, and get rid of our coffee table, clean up all the nick knacks and junk lying around, and paint the walls and put the flywire screen back on. Busy day!! Then we need to wash the carpet and curtains!

I need to answer some new enquiries while I eat brekky, then it will be all go! I received a lovely email from Gillian, who has just finished her 2nd program with me, thought I would share:

Hello Sue,

How are you? Well, you have done it again. This program has not only been enjoyable but it has certainly exceeded my expectations. As you know my main priority was to have an eating plan that not only provided me with plenty of energy to train for the half marathon, but also that I might continue to do weight training and get a bit of muscle definition. Well!!! Not only has it done that in abundance but yesterday at the gym one of the muscle bound guys was telling me how good I was looking which made me feel great. So a million times thankyou for another great experience, which I now feel has become a way of life for me with both the eating and exercise. After the half marathon I want to really get into the weights and develop a lot more shape. What I have found is that by eating more protein and including weights in my program my recovery from the long runs has been a lot faster.

As you know my starting skinfolds fat % was 16.7, and when I went back this morning I was a bit apprehensive. I knew I was harder in my body and that I was getting little muscles growing especially in my triceps and stomach, but I wasn't sure that my skinfolds would be much different as I had only lost 1.5 kg. Guess what! Iam now down to 13.7% which was a real shock to both myself and the sports dietician-in fact she checked it twice! Not only that but I now have biceps. When I started this my normal bicep measurement and the flexed measurement were the same-how sad is that! This time there was a 2 cm difference in the flexed position -pretty neat aye!!!

In my skinfolds I have lost the most off my thigh and triceps which is good.

I just want to say thankyou so much to both you and Sharleen for everything. You run such a professional and supportive organisation where the programs and advice are so up to date and very effective (you really know you stuff). Your training and diets totally work with very little hardship. I don't think I ever felt hungry and actually worried that I might put on weight because I was eating so much.

Have a great Sunday everyone.


  • Wow - I don't think I have ever slept for 11 hours straight LOL

    By Blogger Kimmy, at 7:45 am  

  • Hi Sue! I am just a little bamboozled, everyone seems to do stuff different, I guess you gotta find what works best for you personally hey? I want to compete in Oct but I am worried I am not getting the right nutrition and weights. I am just trying to suss a few people out, if you have time, do you think you could send me a typical eating plan as you prepare for comp? I guess I gotta find myself a trainer I feel comfortable with too!

    By Blogger Jehanne, at 7:55 pm  

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