2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Saturday, October 13, 2007


This flu certainly makes you appreciate good health. I finally feel somewhat close to normal. I was able to train with some intensity today - that was a great feeling. Makes me so much more aware of how shitful I feel when I can't train!

I'm still on antibiotics - have 1 left of my second script to go. I was going to stop them midway through because I thought that was what was making me feel so ill. I don't know if it was or not, but, I am over the bleh feeling in the stomach.

Today was a full body workout - heavy, descending sets. Should get sore I think. Might work myself out a new program soon. Been doing full body workouts for a while and they really take it out of you when you train with max intensity. Michelle, sort of working with someone, sort of not :) Just getting ideas really.

I'm not convinced yet re this high fat low carb diet ie the Anabolic Diet. It's fun for awhile to eat that way but not sure if I can continue it much longer. Though, it was when I was ill that I just couldn't stomach much so now I have my appetite back, and the ability to train and cardio (haven't done any decent cardio for ages), I will be able to tell more accurately. Today is carb up day and so far have had some oats with cottage cheese, a Myoplex Lite after training and a bowl of plain pasta with some tasty cheese and grilled salmon. Don't think I'll have a meal out this week. Might just do the clean eating thing.

Goal for cardio this week is 120 mins for the week. Training 3 x week at the moment, it doesn't feel enough! Overdue for a massage too, missed out last week due to being sick!

Kerry and Kimmy, sizes for singlets are 8-12 at this stage, and $25 or $20 for two or more.

Hi Sam!! Hope you are feeling much better, how long do you have to go of this morning (all day) sickness??

Think we are going out for a couple drinks soon so time to wash hair and beautify. Hope everyone has a fab weekend.


  • hi Sue,
    The tops look great!!
    Hope you're feeling a bit better!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:40 pm  

  • The new t's are REALLY cute!!!

    Believe me - I feel your frustration with one ailment after another! AT least the end is end sight!

    XX - Michelle

    By Blogger Michelle, at 6:44 am  

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