2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Friday, April 28, 2006


All packed and ready for bed. It's 8.30pm. I did my cardio this morning, under a bit of sufferance from this cold - I actually stopped half way through the class and reverted to the treadmill as I wasn't feeling too crash hot. I was determined to finish though, and I did. Then drove home via the chemist to get some herbal cold/flu drugs, as I didn't sleep very well last night.

I piked on the training tonight. I spent all day in my dressing gown (very sexy, NOT!!) working in the lounge with the heater on. I got all my programs out to clients, phew. By this time it was about 4pm, and my eyes were closing, so I had a little lay down. I didn't sleep for long but it was enough to keep me going. I felt very weak, and did not think a hard training session was in order, and since I have to get up at 5am tomorrow, I need a good night's sleep tonight, so that hopefully, I can train well over the weekend! I'm 'allowed' to do Jen's leg session on Sunday so that will be cool. Not allowed to do Bootcamp though. I will do my own training for the other stuff.

I am now going on my own - Damien has had a really bad sinus infection for almost 2 weeks, and today it was that bad that he was really worried about flying, so I cancelled his flights. He's been on antibiotics but it's not really helping. He then got in to see the doctor, who told him to take some cortisone and it would be better in a couple of days, and that he should be fine to fly to Melbourne. So, he tried to get the flights back but they were gone :( Or, could have paid $360 for a one way!! RIGHT! So, now he will stay home. We won't get to spend our first anniversary together :( The things I do in the name of fitness...

Thanks Selina, yes very busy, I don't think it's about to stop either! I will be sure to enjoy Phat Camp, and will post some pics when I return!

Sent my pics through to Richie this afternoon so waiting to hear the verdict :)

Almost time for bed...will check in with Camp details when I can!


  • Hi Shel! Great to hear from you, and I still have mail from you to answer (and send). Definitely would recommend Phat Camp - even though I didn't participate in all of it, it was great to catch up with clients, and everyone in the industry.

    Be seeing you soon! Hope all is well your end and thanks for the get well wishes for us both!

    By Blogger Sue Heintze, at 11:05 pm  

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