2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Me and "Jen 2" at Camp -'scuse the hair, I'd just worked out. And the racing stripe, I need a colour :)

They are happening! It's always this time of my prep that things start to change. So, clients, and everyone reading who is following a program, like I always say - consistency and patience will get results! Many people get uspet and frustrated if they haven't seen much change in a few weeks - your body takes TIME to change. Your metabolism needs time to get itself in gear and get revved up! I have been working out like a demon for 6 weeks, and while the scale has been dropping slowly (I had a big drop in the first 8 days, then virtually nothing for 3 weeks!), it is only the last couple of days that I have really noticed that I am changing. I admit, I have not had one cheat meal. Richie's motto is get to where you want to be THEN you can have a cheat meal. However, I am not really missing them either. I have plenty of food on my diet. And plenty of carbs. At the moment I eat a cup of oats for one of my meals. And sweet potato at another. Myoplex Lite at another. My protein serves are 180g. I am workin' it for my cardio sessions - harder than I've worked in any other pre contest phase - before I have just walked on the flat, but I am pushing it at every session this time around. I didn't have the energy before, because I was starved!!! My calories are at 1500 right now. Noice. :) I get a full rest day once week. And I have 10 weeks to go. At this stage things feel right on track for me. I've dropped 3kg in 6 weeks - perfect for where I aim to end up. I'm feeling great. :)

Thanks Little Rene for your lovely email! And awesome results, well done indeed!!

Derogatory anonymous comments on blogs. This is unfortunate but it happens - I get them too, but choose to ignore. I guess you gotta be tough when you put yourself in the public spotlight :) Actually, if you are getting them and want to put a stop to it, you can disallow anonymous comments on your blog. I've found there are always going to be haters - it's usually formed from jealousy/envy. There was a great piece on 'wannabe's' on Jen H's site, but now I can't find it - it said it perfectly. I say, if they want to waste their time and energy on that sort of stuff, let them. Personally, I think if someone wants to say something, complimentary or otherwise, they should have the 'guts' to put their name to it - or, do it personally if they don't want to do it publicly! And I brought this up on my blog, because unfortunately, these people actually thought it may have been me that left the message. How sad.

Anyway, enough wasting of the energy, have better things to do and think about!

Now, what other news have I got...oh, got a big shipment of sugar free/fat free puddings in - I know people are waiting. I am going to get a newsletter out one of these days to let people know!
Today's news (well actually it was yesterday's news!) is the awesome Jen Hendershott has provided me 2 more PHAT Camps to give away for my next NEW YOU competition!!! Thank you Jen!! So, stay tuned for more on that, starting after June. I want to go to Gold Coast next time (in addition to Melbourne!). Speaking of NEW YOU, the current one has been extended until the end of May, so if you are thinking about signing up, you are still eligible for the comp! Final entries are starting to flow in, and there are some wonderful results!!

Kim Knott may be coming to Mildura for a couple of days - now that would be convenient for me!! I hope so, will find out soon. More posing practise for me :)

Must email Jo and see how my next posing suit is coming along.

Maraina, great to read you so excited about your October contest, I look forward to seeing you in Noosa in September, all ripped and in shape!

I didn't win the Bride comp, bummer!! Never mind, I had lots of votes so thanks to everyone who voted!

News on the house front - we are having an open inspection on Saturday, so have to have a tidy up again for show. Our new house is coming along great, I must take a new pic one of these days! It looks like a huge office block!

Have an awesome evening everyone!


  • The abs are showing!!!! Glad to see everything is coming together nicely for you. I can't wait to see your comp photos - you looked so lean (and well porportioned!)last time so I can't imagine what you will look like this time!!!

    As for you leaving a derogatory comment on someone's blog I find that laughable - you are an extremely caring, geniune, giving person who really cares about your clients and making a difference in peoples lives both internally and externally. I have never been a client of yours but you have always answered my emails in a kind and warm caring manner even when you are flat strap!!! For that I have always been extremely greatful for.

    By Blogger Jodi, at 9:21 am  

  • Awesome abs!!! Glad to hear things are coming along well! I love that you post lots of pics on your blog, makes it interesting!!!!

    By Blogger Jehanne, at 1:47 pm  

  • Anonymous comments - you are such a hypocryte! if you have something mean and angsty say to people why don't you just leave your name so everyone can see your true colours!

    By Blogger Kaddy, at 2:47 pm  

  • Thanks so much Jodi, Lauren and Jehanne.

    Kat - may we all grow up now please?

    By Blogger Sue Heintze, at 4:32 pm  

  • once again - you should look at taking your own advice

    By Blogger Kaddy, at 7:38 pm  

  • Hi Sue!

    It's Pip. I met you at PHAT Camp, Melbourne. We did those hand-held squats together and I commented on how I sometimes visit here to update myself in blog world.

    You look awesome. Definitely can tell your hardcore training and absolute discipline to diet is paying off and you will do great at the looming comp in 10 weeks!

    Phat Camp really gave me what feels like a 'permanent butt kick' that just has changed my life forever. The camp would rate as one of the best weekends in my life. Ie, 'DO IT NOW', rather than 'I'll start on Monday'. I learnt heaps of new exercises and tips on nutrition. I have been really onto it with good personal habits since camp.

    REALLY awesome to have meet many people whom I read and idolise about! Jen and Heather are TERRIFIC! It was FANTASTIC to meet you Sue, and your lovely great looking clients! The camp photos came out great too!


    By Blogger Pip, at 3:44 am  

  • Hi Sue, thanks for your compliment. Am looking forward to seeing you on the Sunshine Coast in September. Good luck again on the house sale.


    By Blogger Maraina, at 7:27 am  

  • Pip, fantastic to hear from you, I absolutely remember you, and doing those partner squats! Glad you had a wonderful time at Camp, I had a ball! I think many people will go back in 2007, hope you are one of them! Thank you so much for your lovely words, can't tell you how much I appreciate hearing from clients and people such as yourself :) I hope you emailed Jen and told her how great PHAT Camp was for you - sounds like you were one that definitely "got it". :)

    Maraina, thanks, can't wait to sell it, even though it's only just begun! The fun part will be the moving, right around comp time! Definitely after though :) Am looking forward to tripping to Noosa, my fave holiday spot. See you there!

    By Blogger Sue Heintze, at 9:21 am  

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