2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Gradually feeling better!

I felt terrible during the afternoon, but have brightened up tonight. I did of course manage to get my hour of cardio done this morning, kickass one too, on incline of 15. Got home, ate, and went through some email, but then after my 2nd meal I needed to sleep some more. My head was all spacey, and I just wasn't feeling well. When I got up I got ready and went to gym to train back and shoulders. NOTHING is keeping me from my training. I am so determined! I had a lovely email from Sam Dunbar from Perth (www.samanthadm.com), who I got to catch up with at Phat Camp again. Not for long enough though! We chat via email often, and talk about our comp prep etc. She won the Intermediate in 2004 when I placed 2nd. I have a lot of respect for her, and she has a great bod. She emailed me a pic of us all posing at Phat Camp, and sent a message saying:

I can't get over how nice and thick you have got in the back. I couldnt keep my eyes off you when I was on the cross trainer and you where in front of me on the treadmill, you must be pleased with your results. Well done!!

So, thanks Sam!

I have attached a few more pics. Kimmy won one of the Camp Eden trips, I was so happy for her, and she was thrilled!!

Think it's time for bed. I did manage to sort out my work today, so tomorrow I am expecting to be feeling much better and ready to get stuck into it.

If anyone has any Phat Camp piccies they can pass on, I would love to receive them so I can make a gallery on my site.


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