2007 - Pride and Accomplishment

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Workout number 2 down

Great shoulder workout! Doing this 2 x week as per instructions from Kimbo - so that makes it 5 x week I am training. The good news is that cardio is starting out very slow, at 3 x 20 mins a week. Now THAT I can handle :) But I am sure it won't be for long.

My calves are so sore! As are my hammies!

Jodie has talked me into doing this RPM class on Sunday. So that will be a first. And it will be more than 20 mins but I'm sure that won't be a problem.

I had a bit of a shopping spree on ebay today. 3 pairs of new Ryka runners (Walkers, X-Trainers, and "Studio" shoes - ie gym/aerobics), including 3 day postage from the US, for $220AUD. I paid $260 for one pair of Asics about 2 months ago!! Pic attached are the studio shoes - I went for black, a bit 'different'.
Anyway back to shoulder workout - single arm cable fly's - OMG these are killers. My shoulders are still aching! Love that feeling. I am enjoying training at night now, even though i is dark when I get out of the gym. Winter is on it's way :( Amazing how as soon as daylight saving finishes there is a different feel to the weather.
I went to bed at 9am last night, it was awesome! I had the best sleep.
I will leave you with one of the loveliest testimonials I have ever received :)
Before I talk about moving on I just want to say thank you so much to you. For all your personal help, encouragement and wisdom and for giving to me beyond what you needed to. The program is one thing but you are another - you walk the talk and give 150%, all the time. I never once felt like you weren't there or across what was going on, you are just brilliant at what you do. I guess that's why I was so happy to write the article, because you absolutely are the real deal. I feel fit and well and strong and a great sense of achievement- I guess like I have fought some of my demons and really won, if that makes sense. And i feel like I have you to thank for all that.
Thank you MK. That means so much to me!!
Night all.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jelly Legs

Just finished training legs with Jodie. It was a struggle to get there tonight, I even emailed Jode to say I wasn't coming, because I felt like cr*p - been feeling a bit that way for the last 5 or 6 days - you know, girl's stuff. I tried to have a nap but couldn't sleep and then I thought 'bugger it', I'm just going to make myself go down and go for a run on the tready, AND go to the gym for a leg workout. So I emailed her back and said I changed my mind :) I really felt much better after just 'doing something'. Brand new program tonight. Slow tempo stuff again - ouch. And my workout went for an hour - not used to that.

So, I have my comp prep - not all sorted yet, have my appointment with Kim tomorrow morning to go through some stuff and get my cardio schedule.

My workout split is like so:

Back, rear delts, abs
Legs, calves
Shoulders, rear delts, triceps, abs
Chest, biceps, calves

I will be sitting down tomorrow and writing up my training, cardio, posing and tanning schedule. I have 3 things that I want to accomplish during this preparation - get up at 6.30am, go to bed by 10.30pm, and finish up work by 8pm. Sounds easy 'eh?

It's only 3 weeks until we go on holidays! Boy time flies.

My Ideal Bodies Online ad will be on very soon, this week I believe. There were a few issues with a few things so we've decided to remove my speaking part and use more befores and afters - this is good as it's what I wanted to begin with! The ad looks great.

Ideal Bodies Online has also become a sponsor of the INBA Brisbane and QLD Titles! Apparently I will be presenting the trophy to the Open Figure winner on April 29. Maybe it will be Di ;)

We went to Melbourne - and back - very short trip! I literally got off the plane into a taxi, into the hotel to shower, dress and out to this black tie dinner at the Regent Theatre. We were about half hour late. Typical Melbourne - nice run in to the city in the taxi, then hit the actual city and traffic was crawling. I was moving 2 metres every time the lights changed. Then it started bucketing down rain! I sat there and thought 'well it's taken all of 10 minutes to hit me with everything I hate about Melbourne - traffic and bad weather.'

Ok well I best get moving and do some more work.

Oh, and Jodie had really hairy legs tonight. But she's getting waxed tomorrow!! Hehehe.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm a vegetable

I am so drained! Need a day off! I can't function anymore tonight so I am packing up the 'puter and vegging out. Scheduling a nail appointment really mucked up my day! I will say it again - think I need a PA.

Good news on the iron levels - all look good from latest test results. All because I am now taking them on an empty stomach. Pity the doctors don't tell you this...

Please be patient for email responses, am going out of town tomorrow and Saturday.

Why are there so many smelly people in the supermarket?

I mean, I know we have to watch our water usage but this is over the top...I almost needed resuscitation.

Jodie - yes, everywhere, hehe :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thank you Mike, Jodie and Sandra for leaving a message re my dad's birthday. Sandra, sending good vibes to your mum. I also send my thoughts and wishes to a client, Micaela - if you are reading, be strong, you are a very brave woman, we are thinking of you.

I have blitzed my record of new clients this week. It has not stopped - which of course is fantastic! Just happens I have to go to Melbourne on Friday/Saturday - which is taking up a bit of work space but not too much as I don't leave until 4pm Friday. We are flying down for the Save Water Awards, held at some fancy hotel, and staying at the Regent?? Something like that. I will arrive in time (IF Qantas are on time - what odds??) to change my outfit and head out to the dinner. We then head back Saturday. Quick trip, no time for shopping :( I desperately need to go shopping. Will take a day off one of these days (hmmm, not sure when exactly!) to do so.

I am sitting here cooking. Have a wet face washer on me and fan going flat out. Our a/c has been on the blink yet again. And fix it people have been very slack in getting someone out here. First thing in the morning apparently. Thank goodness it has been relatively cool.

Trained chest tonight with Jode. Good session - am certain I will be sore. I'm struggling to do much in the way of cardio - I think I have it in my mind that it won't be long until I HAVE to do it, so will make the most of NOT having to do it :) Speaking of, I sent my pics to Kimbo yesterday and will have my contest prep in my hot little hands within the week.

Ok, it's nearly midnight, and I need some zzzz's.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad.
19.3.39 (i have been meaning to write this post since Monday)

My dad would have been 68 on Monday. Instead, his life was cut tragically short and we lost him to cancer 18 years ago. He'd just turned 50.

Treasure the ones you love.

All my love Dad, always.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Big bad leg day

Big but short! I think I've done my back! Just a little - nothing the chiro can't fix tomorrow I am sure. Fortunately I made the appointment 3 weeks ago and I need it just in time. Damien also woke up with a sore lower back so he may need to go as well - he can't get in to mine though, he's too popular!

So, Jodie and I started off with squats, and just warmed up with a set of 10 followed by sets of between 1-3 reps just to get used to the heavier weight but without fatiguing the muscles. I worked up to 70kg (including bar) for 7 reps. We then went to smith lunges and we did 3 heavy sets here - my best was 2 sets of 8 at 55kg. Then to leg press and I started with 480lb for 8 reps, dropped back to 460 and got 10 so thought 'what the heck i'll give it a crack!' and tried for the entire weight stack - 495lb. Happy to say I managed 7 reps. I got off and then felt something not quite right in the lower back region! I felt like everything had been compressed, like I needed stretching out.

Yes Jodie you are absolutely right - the title of my blog is a little outdated! I will work on it...

Met up with Kerry today and put her through her paces for a back session, plus some legs. She did very well and I am sure she will be sore. If not Kerry, we are going harder next time :) We then came home here to get some stuff then back to the Pizza Cafe for lunch (I just had coffee). Then home for some work, though did not get enough done so it looks like a big weekend of work coming up. I was considering going to the footy, but I won't be able to, just too much to do.

I booked flights for July a few days ago so that's all arranged! I booked Di, my trusty Backstage B.... a flight too, well one for the way back, we are still waiting for a good deal on the way down! Ali has booked the accommodation (thanks Ali!) so I think all is set. I've already booked in my hair, make up and tan as well.

Ok, time for Seinfeld and then bed! Day off training and cardio tomorrow. Did 35 mins down at the rickety stairs this morning - couldn't believe it was so hot at that time!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Trained with Jode

She is getting to be a bit of a skinny minnie - she's disappearing! So, we trained at 6pm and I really enjoyed training at that time, surprisingly! I feel it's a bit more productive for my work day too - I don't have training in the middle of the day interrupting my schedule. I might stay with the evening training for awhile. Even though there was lots of people there we didn't have to wait for any equipment which is always nice.

We chose 3 exercises to do, and plan was to do 3 sets, low reps, as heavy as possible. Back day today, and we started with Sumo Deadlifts. I was wearing wrist straps on top of wrist straps, and hooks on top of all that - Jode said I looked like a boxer. Well, on my second heavy set after 2 reps the bar fell out of my hooks to the floor and completely smashed my fingernail (fake one thank goodness) off! Was lucky I didn't lose the other one on the other hand. Ouch, it hurt!! The hooks had slipped down and off the wrists straps which is why the bar rolled out. So I had to rearrange my 'hand wear' for the next set. I managed a PB - Jode, I figured out that it was 80kg (including bar) for 4 reps while in Qld - not 90kg. So, I smashed my PB then, as I did 8 full reps with 80kg, and then 2 reps with 85kg. Tried for 90kg but that baby wasn't gonna move :) Jodie hadn't done sumo's before, so I think she is going to be a little sore :)

So, then on to chin ups. I can't remember what I got now, but about 7 or 8 unassisted on first set. Then Lat Pulls. Can't remember numbers again. I made Jodie increase her weights more than she would have if I weren't there!

Then we did some abs. I showed Jode what Jason had me doing in Qld. Hard stuff - love doing heavy abs. Hate doing rep after rep after rep and not feeling anything.

I also did 35 mins on my tready this morning, while watching Today and Seinfeld :) I will either do a long walk or another session on tready in the morning. No training tomorrow.

Kerry is coming up on Thursday for a back session. Perhaps I will show her some deadlifts too :)

Well, that's about it for tonight, time for bed. I've been keeping my kitchen bench tidy! Yippee - it feels so good to have that 'under control'!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Puffer fish

Don't you just hate that feeling! I think the last few weeks have caught up with me. I've decided that comp prep is starting tomorrow! Until I receive my new diet from Kim I will be following similar to what I was on before. I will have a free meal 1 x week, and alcohol 1 x week as well.

Jodie and I are going to train together for the next couple of weeks so we have a spot - going to try and lift some heavier weights. That will be good.

Anyway, this is short, as I must go and make some meals, and make sure my kitchen is tidy before I go to bed :) Jode, ta for that one, I'm sticking with it.

Seinfeld is on in a minute too...

Hillary, lovely to see you drop by and thank you so much for such a lovely compliment! I did check out your blog awhile ago, when you sent me the link - great stuff!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sore hamsters

Gill and I - Gill traveled all the way from Toowoomba!

Just finishing off the last 2 of my programs while I eat my chicken and beans. Then I think I will have a little nana nap. Though I did have a great sleep last night and didn't wake up until 8am (apart from a visit to the loo at 4am). I agree with Jodie, a good sleep makes all the difference! Yesterday I piked it with her for our walk. I was just really flat yesterday. I went to the gym to train, supposed to train shoulders and biceps but my shoulders were still sore from Tuesday's session. So, I tried chest. No good here either. Just too fatigued, and, my forearms and wrists are really sore. It hurt to pick up db's. I have some fancy new wrist wraps too thanks to Ray from the US. Well they aren't fancy but they are handmade by a powerlifter! I think I have some tendonitis happening again, and I think that spotting Jason under 40kg db's did some wrist and forearm damage. Spotting is supposed to be just a 'touch' - it wasn't in this case. Anyway, I won't be doing that again anytime soon - like never. So, I really wasn't 'into it' but I did get a decent ab workout in. I have a great exercise that Jason showed me which I will continue to do as it made my abs sore for 6 days! Then I did a bit (very small bit) on the tready and called it a day (a very pathetic one!!!).

I had planned to do a step class this morning but my poor hammies are still very sore! So, instead i went for a walk/run down by the river. 55 mins total, so a nice workout. Tomorrow is bootcamp with Jodie, and I will train in the afternoon - think I will just do chest and arms, and wait for next shoulder session on Monday or Tuesday.

I will be starting my comp prep rather soon. About 20 days I believe, though, I have decided not to do the show the week prior, so really I can start a week later (after my birthday which would work out well!). Just think I'll be over it after one show, not sure I could back up with another a week later!

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments (except you Mrs B, calling me a hill wussy). Have a great weekend people!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hello world!!

Here is Jason and I before the TV ad shoot, the lovely Mrs B and I, and myself and some of the beautiful ladies at our lunch! I have more pics and will post another time.
Wow, trying to find time to blog is becoming very difficult. But, I need to because I haven't told my Queensland Story yet! I had a ball! Got to love these 'working holidays'! Good business sense having a staff member in such a nice part of the world :) Thanks to Di and Gerard, they put me up for 6 days in their beautiful home. I hooked into Di's wireless network and spent a fair bit of time on the 'puter. I trained with Gerard on the Thursday, while Di was at work. That was my only training session with Di/Gerard! But, Di and I did lots of cardio - well, to me it was lots. My sessions are usually quite short, at 20-40 mins, but we went for an hour most times. One day we even did 2 x an hour. Walked these whopping great hills - my poor shins and tops of feet were so sore for about 3 days! We did one hill on the way back that was like freaking Mt Everest - Di just took off and left me for dead. At one point I even had to stop and have a rest for about 10 seconds. But seriously, I would LOVE to have that environment every day to do my cardio. It's so pretty, and interesting - with hills, stairs, the boardwalk, the beach - they have it all. And it was great to do cardio with someone - alone is so boring. I'm happy to say that at least for 3 weeks of my comp prep I will have all this available to me!! Now THAT I am looking forward to.

The lunch Di put on for everyone was awesome! I loved meeting Gillian, Kellie and Maraina. Gillian gave me a lovely card and a beautiful necklace - she has great taste :) Gill, I wore it last night. We had chicken kebabs and marinated chicken, some awesome cheese that Hils bought, lovely bread thanks to Gill, and a great pasta salad courtesy of Kellie. I'm sure there were other things bought by other people too...just lots of nice food all round! Great to catch up with Lorraine and Rachel again and meet little baby Zach! Rach is looking great and will be looking even better in a few months, 'eh Rach? Poor old Gerard. I felt so sorry for him! None of us slept too well on the Friday night, and I was getting a bite to eat about 2am and could hear Gerard coughing (and spewing) his guts up. He was one crook boy the next day.

We went for breakfast Sunday morning down at Raw Energy. I love how it's so casual up there - everyone walks around in bikini tops. There's no way that would happen here!

Di and I got to spend some quality time together, going through some Ideal Bodies Online stuff. The one on one training is oh so much more productive!

Had a posing lesson with Jo on the way up from Brissy to Coolum - that was good - hard work, and it felt so weird with just small alterations. I was so sore from my workouts and having to flex and hold poses just killed me! I was very sore again next day!!

I left on Monday at noon - didn't arrive home until 8.15pm but at least all flights were on time. And I had my brilliant new wireless connection with me so could check email from anywhere. This is going to be SO handy to have.

So, on the home front:

I still haven't fully unpacked my case - but that's no surprise to me. I have had 2 HUGE weeks for new clients. It took me half a day to print out documents and sort out files when I got home.

I trained Shoulders and Back on Tuesday, man it felt good - I'd given shoulders a rest for a week and I came back feeling very strong. I am sore, which is a nice feeling in the shoulders and back. I trained legs yesterday - very short workout at 35 mins but that was enough! I PB'd on 2 sets of stiff leg deadlifts - I did 12 reps at 55kg, and 6 reps at 60kg. You see, I had 2.5kg more than I realised on the bar each time. Got to love that when you count it up and realise you'd done a PB without even trying :) Anyway, OUCH. I was getting sore almost immediately. Could barely straighten my legs getting out of bed today. Booked in for a massage at 3pm today :) I also squatted 65kg for 6 good reps, no spot. Pretty happy with that. I can't do much more than 12 sets total when I am lifting to maximum. Still, all you need to do is provide your muscles a stimulus to grow, and lifting heavier than previous or PB's will do just that. No need to totally trash myself. I am going to keep my workouts short until i start my prep. Am also cutting cardio back to 3 per week. One reason is that I need the time for work - I know when i am prepping I will not have a lot of time, so using it while I can. Plus giving the body a bit of a rest before it all starts in earnest.

Ok, well I'm sure I have heaps more to tell but it is time to do some more work.